Join us if you dare for a Halloween Scare at The Bates Motel on Saturday, October 14th. The trip is open to all 6th to 8th graders. Tickets can be purchased at using discount code "IHM23" Choose "Saturday Night Combo Ticket 6:30pm" time slot. Ticket price is $48 per person (after using discount), includes all attractions. Bus will leave IHM at 5:30pm. Bus is $10 per person, chaperones ride free. Please send bus payment by Venmo to Lynn Fahringer @Lynn-Fahringer or money can be sent into school to Alex D'Alicandro (8th Grade). Four chaperones are needed and each will need to buy a Bates Motel ticket. Chaperones can email Michelle D'Alicandro at [email protected] **Deadline to buy tickets is Friday, October 6th.